The movie stars J. Lo as Robert Redford’s daughter-in-law. Morgan Freeman plays a guy who was attacked by a bear and lives in a little house on Redford’s farm. Redford is all bitter because he blames Lo’s for his son’s death. Lo lives far away but finds her way back to Redford’s farm to run away from her abusive boyfriend.
Gay content was present and it was very good. Having Redford and Freeman seating opposite each other for breakfast, Lo’s daughter, played by Becca Gardner, shares that she has a lesbian teacher at school, and that it is ok for Redford and Freeman to be gay. Both guys laugh, and Freeman makes a comment about Reford’s lovely hands (earlier in the movie Redford was massaging some ointment or medicine on Freeman’s bear scars – although the little girl had not seen that). It was really well done. Gardner and Freeman have a great little dialogue; she says “everyone deserves to be loved by someone,” to which Freeman replies “You’ve got that right.” Lovely. A little girl teaching a great lesson in love and acceptance. Kudos for the movie.
I just wish Redford hadn’t asked “what’s next?” implying the question “what crazy question is this little girl going to ask next?” But I’ll take it anyway.