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Thank you very much! :-)

Queer Beacon

RIC, I believe the American edition is still available, and it's pretty cheap:


UPDATING - The Portuguese editon's sold out for a long time now, and so seems to be the case with the British and American ones. Can this be true?


The book was published a long time ago in Portuguese (Portugal) translation under the title «A Corrupção do Poder». Couldn't find out yet whether it's still available in bookstores.
... My pleasure! :-)

Queer Beacon

Right, Bill. The 1949 movie is on my Netflix queue. And by the time the movie opens I will have read the book as well ;-)

Bill S

It was previously made into a movie in 1949. That version won the Oscar for Best Picture, Best Actor (Broderick Crawford) and Best Supporting Actress (Mercedes McCambridge, who's probably known by most people today as the lady who dubbed the demonic voice of Linda Blair's possessed character in "The Exocist") It's available on DVD, if you're interested in making a comparison.


The cast is real good, the movie must be too!

I can't remember this book. Do u remember the name in Portuguese?

I saw Cars last night.... Awwwwww i'ts so cute!

Queer Beacon

I don't know much about American literature either, still trying to learn something though ;-)


OmG, I know so little about American Literature... I believe I should be ashamed to say I don't remember ever to hear about Warren Penn...
Like the cast very much too. Hope it's a good film.
Thank you for that precious link! :-)

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