In Scoop, Scarlett Johansson is a journalism student vacationing in London. The ghost of a recently deceased journalist gives her the scoop on a huge crime story while she is inside this magician's trick closet. The magician is played by Woody Allen, who helps Scarlett investigate the story. Hugh Jackman is an aristocrat who gets sucked into the plot.
Hugh was perfect for the role, he oozes the old money and charm the role required, but I didn't buy Scarlett in her role -- she was sort of a young female version of Woody Allen in the movie. Being Woody Allen in a movie works well sometimes (recently, think Will Ferrell in Melinda, and Jason Biggs in Anything Else), but not always (think Kenneth Branagh in Celebrity).
Unlike Match Point, a true masterpiece -- hard for someone not to like, Scoop is a regular Woody Allen movie, but a very good one, with his usual neurosis, fears, misanthropy -- you are sure to like it if you like his stuff. I do.
No gay content, though...
...except perhaps for the very brief mention of Hugh Jackman possibly being a closeted cross-dresser. Woody Allen is the one talking about the issue, as something Hugh would hide from Scarlett. It's all part of one of his crazy neurotic outbursts...
If I meant to be really frivolous, here's something:
«OmG! Hugh Jackman?! I'm SO watching the film right away!»
Being a Woody Allen's film though, I can only hope the plot is really worth while.
Yes, yes, HJ is gorgeous, of course!
Posted by: RIC | Aug 10, 2006 at 09:45 AM