Really sad...just saw it on The Globe and Mail:
"The Conservative government is planning measures, including a Defence of Religions Act, to allow public officials, such as Justices of the Peace, to refuse to perform same-sex marriages.
The measures are also intended to protect the free-speech rights of religious leaders and others who criticize homosexual behaviour or refuse to do business with gay-rights organizations."
It is one thing to promote free speech, but to promote hatred and discrimination? Not the Canadian thing to do...
I know, RIC..byad, right?
I hope Canadians will send Harper back to Alberta soon, he has only 1/3 of the legistative body and I don't think he is doing well...
Posted by: Queer Beacon | Oct 05, 2006 at 01:44 AM
Hey Augusto, do u remember when I said about believing that better days r comming, at the "United 93" post?
Whel, sometimes its really hard to believe.
Looks like the entire world is beeing comanded by Mr. Bush!
God protect us
Posted by: Marcus | Oct 05, 2006 at 12:49 AM
I can hardly believe that the whole Anglo-saxon world is becoming more and more a bigots' paradise as days go by... Now Canada?! What else is about to fall down on us? An asteroid?
This American administration is definitely the unspeakable evil.
Posted by: RIC | Oct 04, 2006 at 03:01 PM