First. American. Gay. Sequel. Ever. In Eating Out 2: Sloppy Seconds our gay Kyle, played by former American Idol contestant Jim Verraros, is dumped by boyfriend Marc (played by Brett Chukerman). Kyle is then kinda forced into ex-gayness as a plan to bed Troy, played by Marco Dapper. Troy is not sure whether he is gay or not, so, on a preemptive strike he decides to go to ex-gay meetings, and Kyle is his sponsor. Kyle hopes to spend enough time with Troy to see him detract from the ex-gay teaching.
From my brief description above you can tell that you will find more than a bunch of hot guys shirtless and making out for your viewing pleasure on Eating Out 2: Sloppy Seconds. The movie does have a lot of man-on-man action, that's certainly the major attraction. No doubt. But there's more.
First, we see the ex-gay movement at play. It's all very superficially covered, nothing is really serious on the surface, and that's the way it should be on a movie like this, the joke and superficiality show those people in the light they deserve to be shown.
The movie is always making fun of the ex-gay movement. "Who would Jesus do?" reads one post just outside one of the ex-gay meetings. I thought that was pretty funny. If you want a serious tone against the ex-gay movement you should head over to Wayne Besen's Truth Wins Out.
Another interesting issue underlying Eating Out 2 is that of the gay obsession with hot bodies. I don't know if the movie is really concerned with gays becoming even more obsessed with their bodies after seeing the movie, but it is nice to see that our gay Kyle (who is not ugly, but is far from the ideal chiseled Chelsea boy) continues to get action despite his lack of hotness. I guess that gives solace to a bunch on non-hot gays out there.
Finally, still on a slightly more serious tone, I think it is just great to see a gay romantic comedy. The very fact that this is a sequel makes me feels nice. It makes me feel like gay relationships have been normal for a while...I wish a younger crowd (maybe not too young given the nudity in the movie) could see Eating Out 2, just to feel like they belong and they even have date movies. I'm not that old, but all I had in my time was the Top Guns and Dirty Dancings of the world and we had to focus on the male lead. Now we have full-on gay action. Mega Yay!
The message of self-acceptance is so positive. I wish closet types and homophobes all over the world could see the movie.

All right, let's get down to the hotness in the movie. If you saw Scott Lunsford (pic on the left) on the first Eating Out you would probably think that the producers could not possibly find a hotter replacement. Lunsford was just way too hot, right? (take a look at his pictures, including a frontal, over at Bent).
But. Wait. Till. You. See. Marco. Dapper:
Of course, that smile had to come on top of this body:
Can you believe he could have been delivering packages right to your door? He was "discovered" by a talent scout in Northern California while he was a UPS delivery guy.
Richard had a good description of the hotness in Eating Out 2: "this is another gay flic that delivers enough eye candy to give Oscar Wilde's long dead corpse an erection." Richard was really into Dapper, with good reason, and you can read his review here. And forget about the hater reviews, even if they contain a grain of truth.
Two of the hottest guys go full frontal (Dapper and Brett Chukerman seen above on top of each other). And you'll be glad they did. You can actually see one frontal right now at Oh La La. You should really see the other one on the big screen. Oh, and Brett and Marco can actually act.
The movie opens on November 24 in limited release (according to the official website which also contains the dates of the release in other cities). Limited release, as you know, often means that Nyla homos will get to see Eating Out 2 first. Middle-America gays and gays in most parts of the world will have to wait for the DVD. Oh, and don't leave the theater until after the was the case with the first Eating Out, there's more after the credits...
Watch the trailer for Eating Out 2: Sloppy Seconds:
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