• The Queer Beacon offers insights as to the representation of gays in wider released movies.

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Johnny Bristau

wow interesting movie will watch it thanks for the post


um, ok, first of all, in the 1960s it was common--even for shrinks and cops--to think of psychopaths as latent homosexuals. Doesnt mean it was true, just that it was a frequent dimestore-psychology diagnosis. And it shows how the cops and the media were stuck in a mindset that didnt let them listen to outside ideas like the one Gyllenhal had.

Besides, should historical pics change reality to protect people's sensibilities? Would you say there shouldnt be Jews in concentration camps in Schindler's List because its a negative representation of Jews?

You're looking at a movie that basically has no gay content whatsoever, and calling it homophobic. Do that enough and no one will pay attention when real homophobic stuff-like 300--comes out.

Myspace Generators

Jake makes my bones quiver.

Queer Beacon

Hey Thor, thanks for your comment!

I've seen movies do that kind of thing often (hide homophobia behind a pretense of historical or cultural context). That sometimes is justified for one reason or another, but that doesn't make the depiction of gays any less homophobic, historically accurate? Maybe. Homophobic? Usually, yes.

Sometimes, I do concede that homophobia is shown in a movie more as criticism (that was the case in Hollywoodland), but that was not the case in Zodiac (that's my opinion, of course).


I don't know if it's fair to slam the movie for the "latent homosexual" deal. It was the '60s, after all.

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