This one is pretty creepy, but in a nice way.
Fur's main character is called Diane Arbus (played by Nicole Kidman) -- the movie goes out of its way to make sure we know the story is not about real-life photographer artist Diane Arbus.
In the movie, Kidman is fascinated with people who are usually thought of as freaks. She is not fascinated as one would be in a circus, she really feels alive around different people. She befriends a few trannies and gays. That was super nice.
The movie gets creepy as she falls for a uberhairy Robert Downey Jr. and cheats on her perfectly hot husband (played by Ty Burrell).
The movie is well put together, the acting is decent, but if you actually see this one, you should see it because of its kitsch value (in any case, don't expect much). The flick is out on DVD.
Posted by: jimbo | Oct 03, 2007 at 12:46 PM