Burn After Reading is better than mediocre, but not quite good. In the movie, Brad Pitt and Frances McDormand are world class losers who come across top secret info that John Malkovich lost (he plays an former CIA employee). The two retards go on a quest to try to get money in exchange for the information they found -- they go to the CIA and the Russians trying to sell the info. Bad idea.
Brad Pitt was pretty bad in his portrayal of a stupid personal trainer and so was Frances in her protrayal of a shallow gym employee craving love and plastic surgery. Tilda was the only one doing some acting in the movie (she plays John Malkovich's wife, a cold and bitter bitch).
We have a tiny bit of bad gay content. In one scene, John Malkovich is talking to a colleague when the colleague realizes a guy is staring at John Malkovich, at which point the colleague asks John whether "he turned poof on me"...the tone was pretty derogatory.
I love your hypocrisy. You use the term "retard" while whining about insults to gays.
Posted by: sherman | Dec 18, 2008 at 01:55 AM
Brad Pitt certainly didn't have the body of a personal trainer in the previews.
Posted by: libhomo | Oct 26, 2008 at 06:39 PM